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Lessons Found: (351)

1Because of Winn DixieLesson Title: Because of Winn Dixie
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Description: The goal of this exemplar lesson is to give students the opportunity to use the reading and writing habits they’ve been practicing on a regular basis to absorb deep lessons from Kate DiCamillo’s story. By reading and rereading the...
Created by : Heather Blue | Hits: 7922

2A valuable Lesson from the AntsLesson Title: A valuable Lesson from the Ants
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Description: Prior to starting this lesson plan, teachers are highly encouraged to used a full recess period for a class exploration. Students will be teamed up with a partner in order to search for ants and grasshoppers on the playground. They then must write...
Created by : Shelby Rehnke | Hits: 3007

3Little Pink Riding HoodLesson Title: Little Pink Riding Hood
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Description: This lesson's goal is to have students read and write critically. Students will be asked to read a short passage and respond in discussion questions that will require students to reread the passage. Students will also learn new vocabulary words...
Created by : Carola Raab | Hits: 2692

4A Lesson on Little Pink Riding HoodLesson Title: A Lesson on Little Pink Riding Hood
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Created by : Victoria Egyed | Hits: 1869

5A Lesson on The Turtle and the RabbitLesson Title: A Lesson on The Turtle and the Rabbit
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Description: The goal of this lesson is to allow students to practice their reading skills, writing skills and learn new vocabulary words while reading the story of "The Turtle and the Rabbit." The lesson allows students to critically read the text to understand...
Created by : Julie Wheeler | Hits: 4613

6A Lesson on The Sister, The SoldierLesson Title: A Lesson on The Sister, The Soldier
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Description: This lesson is a tool for third grade students to test and strengthen their skill as readers who understand the author's point of view and can clearly explain it to others. This is a chance to practice properly articulating their opinions as well....
Created by : Mary Ogunrinde | Hits: 7854

7A Lesson on The Ants and the GrasshopperLesson Title: A Lesson on The Ants and the Grasshopper
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Description: During this lesson students will learn reading skills, vocabulary, critical thinking, and reading comprehension. The students will read the short passage individually. Then the teacher will reread the passage out loud and discuss it. Students then...
Created by : Heather Beatty | Hits: 3647

8A Lesson on The Turtle and the RabbitLesson Title: A Lesson on The Turtle and the Rabbit
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Description: Students will read a short passage about The Turtle and The Rabbit, single out key vocabulary words and define their meanings. After students learn vocabulary they will move on to recognize each word used correctly in a sentence. Finally students...
Created by : Marissa Knighton | Hits: 1570

9A Lesson on Changing Our StreetLesson Title: A Lesson on Changing Our Street
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Description: Through the duration of this lesson, students will strengthen their reading skills, learn new vocabulary, and use critical thinking skills to answer questions. Students will also have time to discuss their opinions as well as write down their own...
Created by : Galina Quartetti | Hits: 1215

10A Lesson on The First FlagLesson Title: A Lesson on The First Flag
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Description: Teaches students about the first flag. Questions them about the importance. Builds on vocabulary.
Created by : Emily Bertrand | Hits: 2252

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