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A Lesson on The Little Red Hen Export Lesson as PDF | Save As Favorite

A Lesson on The Little Red Hen Grade: Grade 3
Subject: English Language Arts
Created by: Erin Taylor
Lesson Length: 1 hour 30 minutes
Keywords/Tags: The Little Red Hen's baking journey!
Lesson Description: In this lesson, students will have to actively read The Little Red Hen. More specifically, the vocabulary section will challenge students context clue skills, through multiple choice questions, to determine what new words and phrases mean. In addition, The reading section will force students to infer the authors purpose for including certain sentences. Lastly, the writing section will cuase students be creative and imagine a new ending to the story. By the end of each activity, students will have effectively mastered six third grade level vocabulary, reading and writing common core standards.
Common Core Standards Covered with This Lesson
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.3: Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.2: Determine the main idea of a text; recount the key details and explain how they support the main idea.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.2b: Develop the topic with facts, definitions, and details.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.4a: Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase.
Lesson Content: Reading
Instructions: Please read the following reading passage as many times as needed (aloud and silent) before starting to go through other lesson pages. Understanding the content of this passage is very important since the lesson activities will be all about this content. Feel free to print the passage if needed.

The Little Red Hen

There were many animals on the farm. They lived there happily. Every day the farm family took care of them. 

The little Red Hen was in the farmyard with her chickens when she found some grains of wheat. That is a small seed that can grow into a plant. 

"Who will plant this wheat?" she said. “Please plant it. Then we can have more grain when the plant grows.” 

"Not I," said the Goose. 

"Not I," said the Duck. 

"I will, then," said the little Red Hen. She was disappointed. The other animals should have helped. But she planted the grains of wheat by herself. She watered it, too. Every day she checked the plants to see how they grew. After a month, the wheat grew into plants. 

The wheat plants had many more seeds. Those can be planted or used to make food. When the wheat was ripe she said, "Who will take this wheat to the mill?" The mill is a place where people grind the seeds. It turns into flour. Then you can make bread from the flour. 

"Not I," said the Goose. 

"Not I," said the Duck. 

"I will, then," said the little Red Hen, sadly. “I will do it myself.” So then she took the wheat to the mill. 

When she brought the flour home she said, "Who will make some bread with this flour?" 

"Not I," said the Goose. 

"Not I," said the Duck. 

"I will, then," said the little Red Hen. She was disappointed again. 

When the bread was baked, she said, "Who will eat this bread?" 

"I will," said the Goose 

"I will," said the Duck . 

"No, you won't," said the little Red Hen. "You did not help. I will eat it myself. Cluck! Cluck!" She ate it with her children, the chickens.

Task 1: Vocabulary Activity (40 points)
Instructions: Please complete the following vocabulary activity by choosing the correct meaning of each word selected from the passage and use of each word correctly in a sentence.

Vocabulary Questions

Word/Phrase: Disappointed | Tier: 2 | Points: 10
Q1 "She was disappointed. The other animals should have helped." What does the word "disappointed" mean in the sentence?
A. happy
B. tried
C. discouraged *
D. glad

Which one of the sentences below uses the word "disappointed" correctly?
A. Lily was disappointed that she got first place in her race!
B. Jen knew she was disappointed after yawning over and over.
C. Playing in the pool with friends made Lily feel disappointed.
D. Jen was disappointed that her children did not obey her instructions to make their beds. *

Word/Phrase: Ripe | Tier: 2 | Points: 10
Q2 The author in our story says "When the wheat was ripe she said, "Who will take this wheat to the mill?" What does the word "ripe" mean in the sentence?
A. smelly
B. fully grown *
C. unready
D. short

Which one of the sentences below uses the word "ripe" correctly?
A. Farmer brown knew the tomatoes were ripe because they turned red. *
B. After a long day in the sun, Jessica smelled ripe.
C. The soda was ripe and flat.
D. Sarah thought she was ripe when the teacher nodded at her.

Word/Phrase: Grind | Tier: 3 | Points: 10
Q3 The author in our story says "The mill is a place where people grind the seeds. It turns into flour." What does the word "grind" mean in this sentence?
A. stir
B. pat
C. work hard
D. crush *

Which one of the sentences below uses the word "grind" correctly?
A. Zack grinded all night on his math homework.
B. The restaurant that just opened up is called The Grind.
C. To make chocolate, cocoa beans must be grinded a lot. *
D. You can grind cookies by placing them in the oven for 10 minutes.

Word/Phrase: Farmyard | Tier: 3 | Points: 10
Q4 "The little Red Hen was in the farmyard with her chickens when she found some grains of wheat." What does the word "farmyard" mean in the sentence?
A. a small grassy area next to a farmhouse *
B. a garage
C. a pond
D. a flower garden

Which of the sentences below uses the word "farmyard" correctly?
A. Can I go play video games in the farmyard?
B. Julie used the farmyard beside the barn to wash her horses. *
C. The kids loved to splash around in the farmyard.
D. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor used the farmyard to store their cars.

Standards Covered with This Lesson Activity: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.4, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.3.4a,
Task 2: Discussion Activity (25 points)
Instructions: This discussion forum will have questions for students to respond. Read the posted questions, and respond to each. Students are responsible for posting one initial and and two peer responses for each topic.

  Topic Title Replies

Message Who will help the Little Red Hen?
How many times does the little Red Hen ask for help making bread? Why do you think the author chose to include the little Red Hen's questions in the story? 
Sent on: Jun 26, 2021 by: Erin Taylor

Message Not I!
The other farm animals say no to helping the little Red Hen make bread. What do you think the farm animal's response to the little Red Hen says about thier character? 
Sent on: Jun 26, 2021 by: Erin Taylor

Message Cluck! Cluck!
At the end of the story, the little Red Hen gets to eat the fresh bread becuase she was the only one who put in hard work to make the bread. What do you think the main idea of of this story is? 
Sent on: Jun 26, 2021 by: Erin Taylor

Standards Covered with This Lesson Activity: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.3, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.2,
Task 3: Writing Activity (35 points)
Instructions: For your writing assignment, you are to imagine that the farm animals actually decided to help the little Red Hen make bread. In one paragraph (4-5 sentenes), explain how the story would change if this were to have happened. Who would get to eat the bread at the end of the story? 
Standards Covered with This Lesson Activity: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.2b, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.3.3,

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