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A Lesson on Mousie Export Lesson as PDF | Save As Favorite

A Lesson on Mousie Grade: Grade 5
Subject: English Language Arts
Created by: Sophia Sapienza
Lesson Length: 1 hour 15 minutes
Keywords/Tags: reading, writing, mousie, mice
Lesson Description: This lesson is on the reading "Mousie." The goal of this lesson is for students to have a chance to apply their reading and writing skills. This lesson has several parts, a reading, vocabulary questions, discussions, and a written response. Students will need to critically read and reread the passage in order to successfully analyze the text and form responses. Students will, over the course of this lesson, form ideas as to why Darrell went on to become a zoologist.
Common Core Standards Covered with This Lesson
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.2b: Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.4: Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 1–3 above.)
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.5.4: Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 5 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
  • CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.5.6: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal contrast, addition, and other logical relationships (e.g., however, although, nevertheless, similarly, moreover, in addition).
Lesson Content: Reading
Instructions: Please read the following reading passage as many times as needed (aloud and silent) before starting to go through other lesson pages. Understanding the content of this passage is very important since the lesson activities will be all about this content. Feel free to print the passage if needed.


Darrell Burton was always very careful. He listened to his teacher, he studied diligently, and he did all of his homework well. Other students sometimes taunted him and said, “Don’t study so hard. You’re such a book-head.” They called him “Book-head,” but Darrell didn’t mind. He loved to learn.

This is a story about how he learned science right at home. In fact, he learned about science from experimenting with real animals. Much like scientists observe nature, Darrell did, too. He formed a hypothesis and discovered it to be true. Then he continued to study so he could learn more.

One night, Darrell woke to a strange noise coming from his closet. He stepped out of bed, crossed the floor in his bare feet, and carefully opened his closet door. The noise stopped instantly.

"Ah!" exclaimed Darrell, "I knew it had to be mice making those noises. How I wish I could catch them!"

The next morning at breakfast, he told his mother about the noises he had heard, and how he had a hypothesis that the sounds were coming from mice. "I will get you a mouse trap," his mother insisted.

"I don't want the kind of trap that kills the mice; I only want to catch them so that I can tame them," replied Darrell.

His mother laughed and told him that after he had tamed his mice, he had better keep them well out of her way.

The trap was set, the mice were caught, and sure enough, in just a short time, they were so tame that they would eat right from Darrell’s hand. He made a little house for them, and kept in it his bedroom. Whenever he went out, he always shut the door carefully so the mice could not escape.

The other students at school started to call Darrell “Mousie” because he told them about his mice. He didn’t mind what they said.

He read about mice, and he discovered that most of them could live only a short period of time. In fact, most mice might not even live a whole year. This made Darrell resolve to take even greater care of them. He acted like a scientist. He studied the mice closely, but he never gave them names. Instead, he just called them Mouse 1, Mouse 2, and Mouse 3. He took such good care of them that they lived more than a year. When on e mouse died, Darrell would set the trap again to get another one.

When Darrell left college, he brought his mice with him. He studied biology, and his college professors said he was a great natural scientist. He learned much more about science. Later, Darrel became a zoologist. That is someone who studies animal life. Today, he is Dr. Darrell Burton, and he works at the zoo. He is in charge of caring for all the animals, including the mice. Some of the mice are exotic creatures from distant places. When he sees them, he smiles.

Task 1: Vocabulary Activity (40 points)
Instructions: Please complete the following vocabulary activity by choosing the correct meaning of each word selected from the passage and use of each word correctly in a sentence.

Vocabulary Questions

Word/Phrase: Zoologist | Tier: 3 | Points: 10
Q1 "Later, Darrel became a zoologist." What does the word zoologist mean?
A. A person who scientifically studies animals. *
B. A person who loves the zoo.
C. A person who scientifically studies plants.
D. An animal that lives at the zoo.

Which of the sentences below use the word "zoology" correctly?
A. Sarah became a zoologist so that she could know a lot about plants.
B. John went to the zoo and saw a zoologist caring for some animals.
C. A zoologist warns that several animals may go extinct.
D. Both B and C *

Word/Phrase: Exotic | Tier: 3 | Points: 10
Q2 "Some of the mice are exotic creatures from distant places" In this sentence, what does the word exotic mean?
A. Native
B. Non-Native *
C. Familiar
D. Pretty

Which sentence below uses the word "exotic" correctly.
A. Exotic animals help the ecosystem to thrive.
B. Exotic ingredients are easy to find and are used often in recipes.
C. The garden was full of exotic plants in pots that Jill had never seen before. *
D. Exotic mice are green and blue.

Word/Phrase: Diligently | Tier: 2 | Points: 10
Q3 "He listened to his teacher, he studied diligently..." What does the word diligently mean in this sentence?
A. Rough/Not Gentle
B. Attentive and Careful *
C. Rushed
D. Lazily

Which sentence uses the word "Diligently" correctly.
A. Robert diligently raised six kids on a low budget and ensured they were well cared for. *
B. The palm trees swayed diligently in the wind on the beach front.
C. Jack stretched and yawned diligently before returning to bed.
D. Crossing the street while diligently watching traffic is dangerous because you might be hit by a car.

Word/Phrase: Hypothesis | Tier: 2 | Points: 10
Q4 "He had a hypothesis that the sounds were coming from mice." In this sentence what does the word "hypothesis mean"
A. A guess as to what is happening. *
B. The correct and exact answer.
C. Proof that you are right.
D. An educated assumption based on given information.

Which sentence has the correct usage of the word "hypothesis"
A. It is a hypothesis that water is made of oxygen and hydrogen.
B. The hypothesis helped Jake to know the correct answer on his test.
C. Jill has a hypothesis that her cat meows when she wants food. *
D. Mike calculated the correct hypothesis.

Standards Covered with This Lesson Activity: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.5.4, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.L.5.6,
Task 2: Discussion Activity (25 points)
Instructions: This discussion forum will have questions for students to respond. Read the posted questions, and respond to each. Students are responsible for posting one initial and and two peer responses for each topic.

  Topic Title Replies

Message Darrell wants to tame the mice.
Darrell says "I don't want the kind of trap that kills the mice; I only want to catch them so that I can tame them." Explain why Darrell wants to tame the mice. Utalize the text to come up with evidence for your answer. 
Sent on: Feb 17, 2023 by: Sophia Sapienza

Message Name calling.
Why did Darrell not mind being called names? Why do you think students called him names?
Sent on: Feb 17, 2023 by: Sophia Sapienza

Message Nameless mice.
Why did Darrell not name his mice? What from the text can support your thoughts?
Sent on: Feb 17, 2023 by: Sophia Sapienza

Standards Covered with This Lesson Activity: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.5.1, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.4,
Task 3: Writing Activity (35 points)
Instructions: For this assignment please write 2-3 paragraphs on why Darrell became a zoologist. Include examples from the text that led to him becoming a zoologist. Explain the steps he took to become a zoologist. 
Standards Covered with This Lesson Activity: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.1, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.5.2b,

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