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  Case: GKIDS Rubric
Mrs. Love recently had a parent conference, in which the purpose was to explain GKIDS and the Kindergarten report card. Mrs. Love explained the student's score with her parents, and the mother requested to obtain the GKIDS rubrics, so that she knows what her daughter will have to demonstrate in order to receive a "Meets" in each category. Would it be appropriate and/or ethical for Mrs. Love to give her access to these rubrics?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
There may be many more parents like the one that you speak of. They wish to know exactly what is expected of their kindergarten children, especially since it has changed so very much since the parents were kindergarten age. You may want to consider hosting a parent information meeting at the beginning of the year, just before or just after the first report card is issued. With your teammates, and an instructional coach if you have one, you could explain the report card, share some sample rubrics, and provide additional online resources that help parents to understand. You could host one during the morning hours as long as coverage has been gotten for your classroom and then offer another in the evening for working parents.