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Earning Reward Points

Reward points are earned when you contribute positively to the community, in particular by responding to questions with helpful answers. Conversely, you may lose points (or lose your account) if you post a question or answer that is abusive or inappropriate


+1 point When you login each day (each time)


+5 points When you post an article that is approved and published (each time)
+1 point When your article favorited by another member (each time)


+5 points When you post a realistic question/case/problem with specific desciptions (each time)
+5 points When you respond to a question with original and helpful answer (each time)
+1 point When your response favorited by another member (each time)
+1 point When you rate a solution (each time)


+5 points When you post a useful tip with specific description (each time)
+1 point When your response favorited by another member (each time)
+1 point When your tip receives "This Tip Is Useful" votes (each time)