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  Case: Grade Replacement
One of my administrators recently pointed out that our state's teacher observation system mandates that teachers use practices that represent final mastery of a skill or concept. My students receive number grades (averages). I have begun to replace one quiz grade per unit with the grade the student made on the unit test (if it is higher). A part of me feels that they need to be held accountable for each assessment. A doctor who is performing brain surgery doesn't get a redo. Is my grade replacement system okay, or do I need to find a better solution?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
I am a huge fan of reteaching and reassessing. These are children who are learning. Learning is their ultimate goal. We all learn through failure. Sometimes it is the best teacher of all. As an adult teacher, I spend a great deal of my time reflecting and reassessing my own lesson plans and objectives. This is how we all get better. Never allowing or encouraging a child to remediate and retest is sending the wrong message to our students. That is the same as telling them that mistakes aren't allowed.