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  Case: The parent who is overzealous at open house
You carefully go over your notes and scan the entire classroom. Everything is in order. You have taken time to plan well, and you are certain this open house will go smoothly. You've barely started your presentation when you see a hand go up. You politely answer the father's question regarding his daughter. A few minutes later, he has another question focused on his child. Again, you politely answer his query. Pretty soon, you see the same parent's hand go up again and again, along with a question pertaining only to his daughter. How would you handle this situation?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
Tell the parent that if he would like to schedule an individual conference, he can do so.
The suggested solution is respectful of the individual (student) Yes
The suggested solution is relevant to the case Yes
The suggested solution is reasonable (easy) for the teacher to implement Yes
The suggested solution is likely to solve the problem/issue Yes
The suggested solution is original Yes
Comments: I agree with this solution.
Rated On: October 9, 2020 8:59 pm
Rated By: vaMuvy