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  Case: Students talk too much
There is this girl who talks entirely too much throughout the day. I tell her to be quiet, but when she isn't quiet, all she does is talk. I don't know how to approach it, especially because it's annoying. Help!
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
Try having a "stick" system. Whenever she wont stop talking even when you asked her to, move the stick down the chart. It can go from Excellent to warning to no recess then to a phone call home. She needs to know what she is doing is not only wrong but disruptive to the whole class.
The suggested solution is respectful of the individual (student) Yes
The suggested solution is relevant to the case Yes
The suggested solution is reasonable (easy) for the teacher to implement Yes
The suggested solution is likely to solve the problem/issue Yes
The suggested solution is original Yes
Comments: This is a good way for her to be in control of her own actions and the consequences of those actions. It is not punishment immediately, but it puts the punishment in her hands.
Rated On: February 21, 2018 10:08 pm
Rated By: Simone Haddad