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  Case: The Bad Class
You have one class on the team that all teachers struggle to manage the behavior of. The principal visited your classroom and sympathized with you. The class is talkative and spends a lot of time bickering back and forth. The majority of class time is spent diffusing behavior problems. Twenty to thirty minutes into class, you can finally start teaching. What do you do?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
While it may be one class that seems to have behavioral issues, usually there is a ring leader to be found that sets the bad behavior and the other students find a reason to follow. With these types of students i have found that finding ways to get them engaged in the class in a way that gives them responsibilities makes a big difference. I would say to try and find the ring leaders of the classroom and find ways to get them acting in a way that promotes learning and fun at the same time because usually boredom is the ignitor for bad behavior.