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  Case: Bathroom passes?
How do high school teachers handle bathroom issues? When I issue my students passes, they lose them or use them all and still ask to go to the bathroom. I can't tell them they can't go to the bathroom when they are sitting there telling me they really have to go, but I know some of them aren't really going to the bathroom or just want to leave for a minute. I've tried every system and can't find one that works. Any ideas?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
Especially with highschool age students, I would directly address your concerns. Tell students that they are not going to the bathroom to only step out of class, but it is valid that you can not deny students access to the restroom. I would establish procedure that students can not use the restroom during instruction and can ask the use the restroom during assignments. If assignments are not completed during class, then student must complete the remainder at home.