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  Case: Too Much Time in the Bathroom
At the school that I am interning at there is a student in one of my classes who takes excessive amounts of time in the bathroom. Sometimes, it will take this student up to 20 minutes to use the bathroom right around the corner, and come back. We are not sure whether or not the student is actually using the bathroom or just saying that he is so he does not have to participate. My CT, her assistant and I are all women, so we are unable to go into the bathroom. What should we do?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
My niece is in high school and one of her teachers uses a really great system. Each 9 weeks, the students are provided with a card that has 5 boxes on it. These boxes represent the number of bathroom passes they are allowed during the 9 weeks. For each bathroom pass the student uses, the teacher puts a whole punch in one box. Each box is worth 5 points - for each box that is not used at the end of the 9 weeks, the student earns 5 extra credit points. Therefore, if a student does not use any of their bathroom passes, they can earn a total of 25 extra credit points. This method seems to ensure that students are only using the restroom for emergencies and keeps track of how often they actually use the bathroom.
The suggested solution is respectful of the individual (student) Yes
The suggested solution is relevant to the case Yes
The suggested solution is reasonable (easy) for the teacher to implement Yes
The suggested solution is likely to solve the problem/issue Yes
The suggested solution is original Yes
Comments: Thats a good idea. The student that is using the time designated for class to do something else most likely needs those points.
Rated On: February 26, 2017 7:29 am
Rated By: etyWys