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  Case: No classroom management
I am currently in an internship in a second grade class. The teacher does not have any classroom management plans set in place. There are five students that disrupt the class daily. One student throws his chair, desk, and taunts the teacher along with other students. The other four students taunt each other about being "tough guys" and nearly get into fist fights daily. The teacher's reaction to all of these events is to ignore them. She acts as if she doesn't hear or see what is going on. The teacher ignores the situations until they get to the point that chairs are flying and the students are yelling. When things get to this point, she calls administrators. The calls to administrators are almost a daily occurrence too. When I am in the room I try to correct minor behaviors before they escalate, but I do not have the support from their teacher, so what can I do differently? The situations are making every day I go to the school miserable and I know the other students are miserable too.
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
If you already do not have support from the teacher when trying to correct the behavior and administration is in the room almost everyday then I think the best thing to do is to speak with the principal about this problem. You should let he or she know that not only is everyone else's learning being disrupted yours is too. Maybe record some events that have taken place and the teacher's reaction to them and share this with the principal. It seems like the teacher needs some coaching if this is happening all the time.