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  Case: What is your interpretation?
I have a student who has recently learned English, and still struggles to say some of the basic words we say. He has now started getting embarrassed and will not speak up in class because he is embarrassed about the way he talks. How can I help him feel comfortable talking in class?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
I would suggest working in small groups or pairs and pairing this student with kind, patient peers that are willing to help him and not make fun of him. If he can gain some of his confidence back talking with a few friends he will ultimately gain the courage to talk in front of the class again.
The suggested solution is respectful of the individual (student) Yes
The suggested solution is relevant to the case Yes
The suggested solution is reasonable (easy) for the teacher to implement Yes
The suggested solution is likely to solve the problem/issue Yes
The suggested solution is original Yes
Comments: This is a good solution to help the student interact with other peers who can help him with self-confidence.
Rated On: February 24, 2019 2:11 pm
Rated By: Nicole Morris
The suggested solution is respectful of the individual (student) Yes
The suggested solution is relevant to the case Yes
The suggested solution is reasonable (easy) for the teacher to implement Yes
The suggested solution is likely to solve the problem/issue Yes
The suggested solution is original Yes
Comments: If I were in this situation, I would exactly do this.
Rated On: April 3, 2023 3:52 am
Rated By: uPanaS