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  Case: Special education services under certification as emotionally impaired
Doug is a fifth grade student. He is of average size and height for his grade. Doug receives special education services under certification as emotionally impaired. Doug has a variety of behaviors that he exhibits throughout the day on a daily basis. He typically has a lot of energy and spends time each time going to the RTC room at school – Responsible Thinking Classroom. On one particular day, Doug in his general education class and he is repeatedly getting out of his seat. His teacher (whom you will respond as –either as yourself or critiquing his/her "interventions)has repeatedly instructed him to remain seated, but every 3 to 5 minutes Doug either makes an attempt to get up and sharpen his pencil, get a drink, or squirm about in his chair. What is next?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
I think the pairing up of students is a great idea! However you have to remember sometimes students can amp each other up, even your most responsible. This student sounds like he could definitely benefit from "brain breaks"! Have him work for something tangible, not too crazy, and not beyond his limit. My favorite go to strategy are "if, then" statements. "IF you sit quietly and do your work for 15 min, THEN you may get a brain break for 5". The breaks could be watching one GoNoodle video, an educational card game, etc. Just something that lets him move and use his body beneficially. If he is still getting out of his seat during work time, remind him what he is working for and if he is making good choices or poor choices towards earning that. Often times I will ask my kids "Do you think that was a good choice or a poor choice?" That way they have to think about it. If they just say good choice, ask them why they think that was good. More times than not they won't want to answer all those question again and will readjust themselves.
The suggested solution is respectful of the individual (student) Yes
The suggested solution is relevant to the case Yes
The suggested solution is reasonable (easy) for the teacher to implement Yes
The suggested solution is likely to solve the problem/issue Yes
The suggested solution is original Yes
Comments: This solutions gives in depth actions which can be used in the classroom
Rated On: October 20, 2019 3:09 am
Rated By: JyXamu