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  Case: Does not care, should I?
There's a student who comes into class and just doesn't care. We try to get him to learn and do work but he says it's pointless. I discovered that this student doesn't have a father and his mother is on every drug imaginable. How can I expect this student to do any work at all or even give a shit about anything we do in school when he has to think about where he's sleeping at night. Everything I can teach him in a classroom means nothing, why should he even care?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
Many people in this thread have touched on how a teacher should be caring in this situation, but I wanted to talk a little more about it. There is something known as the "Pygmalion Effect" in teaching. It states that a student will rise only to the standards the teacher sets them to. In other words, how much care you put into your students will directly affect their behavior and dedication. If a teacher dedicates a lot of time and effort towards teaching a student, that student will succeed. But if a teacher feels a child is hopeless, then that student will suffer in class and do worse than their peers because of the teacher's attitude. Since this child has a very rough house situation, they have no support from the people that should be helping him most. Thus the teacher must be a proverbial light in the dark. If his teachers do not have faith in him and help him out, then nobody will, and he suffer for it for the rest of his life.
TL;DR You should be concerned about him because the teacher's attitude towards their students directly affect their academic achievement.