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  Case: Am I a Boy or Girl?
We have student who is a girl. She dresses out in the girls locker and by every document she is classified as a female. Recently, she dropped the "f" bomb in class and I spoke with her about this behavior and how it is unacceptable and offensive. I told her that it sounds so trashy coming from a young lady's mouth. Her response to me was, "I am not a girl." A few days later, she turned in an excuse and where her mother had written "her" or "she", she crossed out and put "him" or "he". What are some suggestions on how to handle this? Because it is clear that her parents are unaware of this situation.
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
For one, addressing the behavior in a gendered way is likely a lackluster solution regardless. I figure you would not let your male students say such words, so when addressing it as such it is best to phrase it regarding the behavior itself. In regards to their gender identity, I would suggest resources to help explore and support their gender identity. I would not reach out to the parents yet, as many parents are not supportive of their child's potential gender identity. Regardless, I think fighting their desire to express themselves may only result in more behavioral issues. The best solution in my eyes is to be supportive, as you will both make them more confident in their exploration of their gender identity, and have more ground to stand on when you suggest adjusting their behavior and language.