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  Case: Special education services under certification as emotionally impaired
Doug is a fifth grade student. He is of average size and height for his grade. Doug receives special education services under certification as emotionally impaired. Doug has a variety of behaviors that he exhibits throughout the day on a daily basis. He typically has a lot of energy and spends time each time going to the RTC room at school – Responsible Thinking Classroom. On one particular day, Doug in his general education class and he is repeatedly getting out of his seat. His teacher (whom you will respond as –either as yourself or critiquing his/her "interventions)has repeatedly instructed him to remain seated, but every 3 to 5 minutes Doug either makes an attempt to get up and sharpen his pencil, get a drink, or squirm about in his chair. What is next?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
I would have a visual on his desk that reminds him to stay seated or raise his hand. You could also have a timer set and if Doug stays seated for the duration of the timer, he can get up for 1 minute and reset the timer.