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  Case: Being Viewed as the Teacher
I am interning in a middle school class, grades 6-7. My CT has procedures in place for a classroom management plan and for the most part it seems to be effective. The issue I am experiencing, even when I implement her procedures and expectations, is that the students don’t view me as the “teacher figure.” This is especially true in times where I am left alone with the students. I find that my CT and I have different demeanors - and I think that might play a role in how the students view us. I’m more soft spoken and don’t have a loud protected voice. How do I get the students to view me as another one of their teachers while still maintaining my softer, kinder demeanor? I don’t want to come across too harsh or unnatural sounding if I need to be more stern with the kids.
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
I would say match your CT but in your own way whether that be an id badge or name card plate or even a desk in the physical classroom. You also need to gain the students' respect to be viewed as a teacher figure. I think you can also play student for the day and see what happens and if the student's behavior changes.