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  Case: Absent
The student has been absent a lot recently. The parents do not explain the absences to you. As time continues the students ability to gain and retain what is being thought is slipping. What would be some strategies to help student not to slip so much?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
The first step is to find out with thorough communication, what is most likely causing this issue of absence. I would then establish a virtual hub for students to find the material that they missed so that they can take control on their own to keep up when they are unable to make it to school.
The suggested solution is respectful of the individual (student) Yes
The suggested solution is relevant to the case Yes
The suggested solution is reasonable (easy) for the teacher to implement Yes
The suggested solution is likely to solve the problem/issue Yes
The suggested solution is original Yes
Comments: This is a solution that would likely work.
Rated On: July 19, 2023 6:17 pm
Rated By: puRyMe