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  Case: Teacher not using proper ESOL accommodations
I am observing in a first grade classroom for an ESOL practicum and noticed that the teacher does not use appropriate ESOL strategies to help the ELL students in her classroom. This school is a high minority area, mostly Spanish and many of the families are low education level migrant worker families, so home support is very low. When I ask the teacher about her ESOL accommodations she explains that many of the teachers do not know how to work with ELL students and that most of them do not have any ESOL training but the school is working on changing that but for the moment they are not equipped to handle the amount of ESOL students and the various levels of English proficiency. As an observer I can see how much these students are missing out on academically and nothing is being done to help them. What can I do to help them?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
I remember when I first started college, ESOL was not even a thing. Sure, we had accommodations for ESOL students, but there were no real rules or procedures in place for us to learn. Perhaps your CT graduated from college with their education degree before the ESOL program was implemented. Soon though, every teacher will have to either re-train and re-certify themselves or learn the ESOL laws and procedures for the first time in order to continue to educate. I would be patient and just keep doing what YOU know to be right. Use this as a learning experience to really throw yourself into the program. If you are in your ESOL practicum you should be doing task reflections every week with lesson plans implemented towards the end, correct? Make sure to go overboard with accommodations and modifications. Might kick up your CT's motivation to learn and implement themselves.