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  Case: Unorganized Classroom
My internship ESE classroom is very disorganized and there is no classroom management. I am trying to implement a token economy. How would you implement this will positive behavior reinforcements and incentives?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
For a token economy, I would first assess how the classroom operates. Since the classroom is disorganized, I would try to work with a small group of students. As an intern, trying to completely change the whole class dynamic in a short period of time, without the support of your CT is going to be very difficult. So, assess which students you have a build a bond with and use them as the target group to implement this management plan. I personally, do not agree with the token economy, I think it gives the wrong idea for following expectations, but if you find the happy balance, I would suggest giving candy or small prizes and giving them out at the end of the day so that other students do not feel left out or discouraged.