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  Case: Tattoos
I am interested in knowing some schools' policies are for teacher tattoos. Are they to covered at all times? What if a teacher has one on their ankle, wrist, behind ear? I would like to know from teachers whom have received teaching positions with tattoos, just how the rules are.
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
I know several of my previous teachers who had visible tattoos. Some school's may vary but as long as they are not too distracting and they are not inappropriate or vulgar then they should not be too much of an issue. I would cover them for an interview and during the interview, at an appropriate point, I would reveal to your employer that you have them and ask if they will be of any issue. In most cases the answer should be no as tattoos are far too common now a days, but if it is an issue you should ask if you must keep them covered as you did for the interview.