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  Case: Co-Teaching Difficulties
I'm working in a setting where I feel restricted by my co-teacher. They let the students get away with a lot, like playing on their phone, sitting on the floor and refusing to work, and talking back. It makes any kind of lesson almost impossible. This teacher has seniority over me, and has been here for quite some time. How should I approach this?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
It seems that as co-teachers, the idea would be that you both have equal input into the teaching style and environment of the students. Their seniority simply does not matter in that case. Speak to your co-teacher and if they don't seem to understand their role as a co-teacher, speak to your administration, or bring them along in a conversation with the co-teacher. If they keep doing it afterwards, keep contacting administration. (My petty answer would be that as a co-teacher, I have as much say in the environment, so I would start putting up posters I believe that would help students behavior correct itself.