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  Case: Interactive Notebooks-Completion Problems
This year I decided to have my science classes put together interactive science notebooks. They took spiral notebooks and created a table of contents in the front and then numbered each of their pages. Any notes that we took in class were glued onto the left side of their notebook. The right sides of their notebooks I asked them to basically summarize the notes from the left side. They could do this in a variety of ways, draw picture, write a story, create a concept map, etc. I don't care HOW they summarize as long as they ARE summarizing. We started out okay, but now I can't hardly get any of my students to complete their notebooks! I grade them every two weeks and it's rapidly becoming a waste of time to even collect them. I still like the concept but what can I do differently to encourage them to complete this? I take it as a homework assignment in my grade book.
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
We also use the interactive science notebook. A quick buddy check daily with a thumbs up or down is a way to see who has completed their notes for the day. I would have the buddy give a thumbs up for the table buddy rather than for their own work. Then, perhaps set aside a time every so many days where students who completed their assignment can move on to computer activities or allow them to work on a project or a short presentation for the class. Those who need to complete their notes or other work can do. Students make the adjustment to complete their work on time because they realize they will be held accountable to complete all tasks. Hopefully, fewer to know students will have to get notes at a later time due to a lack of time on task. Another thing I find helpful is creating assignments where students need to use their notes. This helps them see the relevance of keeping an up-to-date notebook.