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  Case: Co teacher
A first grader uses very inappropriate language and is violent towards teachers. He Screams and disrupts the ENTIRE school. When he has an episode the co teacher is removed from a classroom and the children needing to be served in that room are not receiving the services required by their IEP's because the teacher is removed front their room. This student has only received a 1 to 2 day suspension. What can the co teacher and regular teacher do until decisions are made to help this student?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
Make sure differentiation strategies and plans are in place for the days activities. A beneficial co-teaching pair will plan every step of the teaching together, so both teachers should have a full understanding of the expectations, modifications, and needs of each student (special ed or not). I would suggest talking to administration about the pulling-out-of-class issue as both teachers are needed in your classroom for your students.