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  Case: Pitfall in Group Work
You have created a small group project and have intentionally divided the rubric to include some individual grades, but most of the 100 pts are collaborative. You know that a student has not been pulling their own weight in a group and you also wrestle with the fact that by not doing the work he/she has not proven mastery of the skills you were assessing, yet will still earn a passing grade. How do you address this?
Solution: (Rates are posted for this solution!)
I think that group projects are a good idea and allow for different assessment to happen other than the standard paper and pencil test or quiz. When I give group projects I make the project be a certain percentage of their grade and everyone in the group grades everyone else too. This allows for the other group members hold the others responsible for the part. If a student is not doing their part then they are given a lesser grade than the rest of the group for doing poorly on their part.