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Sara Grindey

Sara Grindey School:
My Lessons

1A Lesson on My PaintingLesson Title: A Lesson on My Painting
Grade Level: Grade 4 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Description: The goal of this assignment is for students to be able to learn and analyze the story about a young boy moving to America. They are supposed to use context clues and details to try and figure out the meaning of vocabulary words used in the story. By...
Created by : Sara Grindey | Hits: 192

2A Lesson on Changing Our StreetLesson Title: A Lesson on Changing Our Street
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Created by : Sara Grindey | Hits: 88

3A Lesson on Changing Our StreetLesson Title: A Lesson on Changing Our Street
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Created by : Sara Grindey | Hits: 81

4A Lesson on Changing Our StreetLesson Title: A Lesson on Changing Our Street
Grade Level: Grade 3 | Subject Area: English Language Arts
Created by : Sara Grindey | Hits: 113


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